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Demand Generation Updated on: Jul 9, 2023

1st Step Of B2B SaaS Marketing? Pick Up The Phone

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Before we start generating more demand we need to make sure we are ready to receive our clients and give them what they are looking for.

If visitors land on our website, open our email or call our phone number, we should make every effort to connect with them. We never want to miss a phone call. Every inbound contact is an opportunity to sell our service, help someone get more value out of our service or just impress someone with our customer focus.

On their terms

Visitors to your website need to be able to connect with you when they are ready to have a conversation.

What channel?

Your audience picks their channel of choice. This can be email, a contact form, a chat dialog or a phone number. Ideally, you provide all three.


If you don't have team capacity to pick up the phone or answer a chat at all times, just let people leave a voicemail or an email address and get back to them asap. 

Sales, support and recruiting

You should not filter a certain type of inquiry. You cannot predict what people need when they visit your site. Imagine you are in a restaurant and you ask your waiter for a water refill, and she says she cannot help you and tells you to talk to the water guy. We need to service our customers in the best way we can, with whatever their need is. A support question could easily turn into a sales opportunity if we serve it well.


The value of each inbound customer touch-point cannot be overstated. If a client has gone through the trouble of coming to your front door, you cannot let the opportunity to "WOW" them pass by.

Also, some customers and prospects are not as sophisticated as you like them to be. They may want to talk/chat with someone because they just don't understand what you have to offer? Or they need help using your product. Treat them with respect. Help them. Make it easy. If they don't understand the product that's on you, and this is your opportunity to address it.

Mystery shop

Try to call your team. Start a chat, send an email or fill out a contact form. What happens with the call to the phone number on your website? Or the phone number on a brochure you've handed out at an event?

Leaky bathtub

Take care of your inbound opportunities today, before you invest in generating more interest. Focus on being a customer service company before you start to make noise. Don't let any lead or opportunity to generate a fan go unused before you start growing your funnel.

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