Many SaaS CMO (SaaS Chief Marketing Officers) I meet ask me to share the various templates I use to build B2B SaaS Marketing Teams. The most popular item is my Trello Board B2B SaaS Marketing Plan. They would like to benefit from the best practice materials without hiring an external CMO.
Building a new SaaS Marketing team is not easy. While I think 70%-80% of what most B2B SaaS Companies need (early) is the same, a template is just a tool and needs an experienced marketing leader to use it. Just providing our model(s) without the proper education would be like handing someone a Firearm without training. So we have decided to allow you to buy the "secret sauce", as long as you also come to take our training class.
A SAAS marketing plan with 100+ Best practices
To provide access to these best practices to a broader audience, we are introducing an offer to buy the template (and all our other templates and IP) together with coaching you to use it. We will walk through the material together and customize it to your situation. We will talk about how to use it, and where to go for help and additional education. Most importantly, we will set the priorities for your team so by the end of the call you'll have your initial 30-60-90 day plan.
Unique Offer
As an introductory "pilot" we offer coaching services without a long term commitment, starting at $5k. You will get access to the same tool-set that we use for full-time CMO engagements that cost $15k-$35k per month. Also, one of our CMOs will work with you 1-1 to get going and make the plan your own.
Your custom SaaS Marketing plan
As part of the low cost coaching service, you get:
A customized, personal version of the complete B2B SaaS Marketing plan.
- Dedicated consulting time with your own B2B SaaS CMO, delivered in Video Calls
- Kick-off using the plan, and create your personal version of the plan, fine-tuned to where your marketing team is today, and where you want to take it. Branded by you of course.
- Follow-up call after you have started to use the Plan. Answer questions and dive into the parts of creating/accelerating your marketing team that are most important to you.
- Follow-up consulting through calls or email, with ongoing questions, for the duration of the coaching engagement.